Build Your Port Before Your Ship Comes In

Build Your Port Before Your Ship Comes In

Build Your Port Before Your Ship Comes In

There’s a saying: “Your ship will come in.” It’s a comforting thought, promising that the opportunity you’ve been waiting for is just beyond the horizon. But here’s the truth: When that ship arrives, will you be ready? Opportunity rarely waits. If your port isn’t built, prepared, and fortified, that ship—no matter how grand—will sail past you.

Building your port is about preparation. It’s about creating the skills, relationships, and resilience you’ll need, not just for the opportunities you anticipate, but for the ones you can’t see coming.

The Story of My Port

In 2004, I was a new team leader on the FBI’s Inspection Staff in Washington, D.C.—a highly critical role responsible for ensuring the FBI’s field offices were running effectively and efficiently. That same year, the FBI’s cyber program was brand new. It was a frontier few of us fully understood, myself included.

When it came time to inspect the Chicago field office’s cyber program, none of the inspection division team leaders had technical skills. But I volunteered. Why? Because I believed in the power of preparation.

I started by surrounding myself with greatness. I selected some of the FBI’s most knowledgeable cyber supervisors to join the team. I met with cyber program executives at headquarters to understand their expectations and priorities. I immersed myself in learning—asking questions, absorbing insights, and ensuring that when the inspection began, I was as ready as possible.

That first inspection was a success, both for the FBI and for me personally. I left Chicago with invaluable knowledge and experience. From there, I inspected cyber programs in Memphis, San Francisco, and San Diego, continuously building my expertise along the way.

By the time my tour in Washington was over, Los Angeles had created the FBI’s first Cyber and Computer Forensics Assistant Special Agent in Charge position. That was home for me. And because I had built my port through preparation, effort, and persistence, I got the job.

Why Your Port Matters

1. Opportunities Wait for No One

When the opportunity in Los Angeles arose, I didn’t have to scramble. My port was ready. The time I spent learning, collaborating, and refining my skills in the years prior ensured I could confidently step into that new role.

Whether you’re aiming for a promotion, a new career, or a bold life change, opportunities don’t wait for you to get ready. You must prepare in advance, even when the goal seems far off.

2. Ports Protect in Storms

A strong port is more than a dock for opportunity—it’s a fortress during turbulent times. Challenges will come, and resilience is built through preparation. Think of a port’s sturdy walls and deep foundations, designed to weather high winds and crashing waves. Your port—your skills, networks, and mental fortitude—serves the same purpose. When life’s storms hit, it shields you, allowing you to navigate difficulties with confidence and grace. This preparation doesn’t just make the challenges bearable; it turns them into opportunities to grow stronger and more capable.

This reminds me of the story of a woman who was told, “You’ll never weather the storm.” Her response? “I am the storm.” That kind of unshakable confidence doesn’t appear overnight; it’s built by investing in yourself, learning from failures, and growing stronger with every challenge.

3. Preparation Magnifies Success

A ship without a port has nowhere to dock. Even if the opportunity of a lifetime arrives, it won’t mean much if you’re unprepared to make the most of it. My time inspecting the FBI’s cyber programs wasn’t just about checking boxes; it was about building a foundation of knowledge and skills that I could leverage when the right moment came.

How to Build Your Port

1. Surround Yourself with Greatness

No one builds a port alone. Seek out mentors, experts, and collaborators who can help you grow. My success inspecting the Chicago cyber program wasn’t due to my individual skills—it was because I surrounded myself with some of the FBI’s top cyber experts.

2. Be Willing to Learn

I wasn’t an expert in cybercrime when I started. But I didn’t let that stop me. I asked questions, immersed myself in the work, and committed to continuous learning. Whatever your goal is, approach it with curiosity and humility.

3. Embrace Challenges

Opportunities often arrive disguised as challenges. When I volunteered to inspect the FBI’s Chicago cyber program, I didn’t have a technical background, and the cyber program itself was brand new. It wasn’t easy, but I leaned into the discomfort, surrounded myself with experts, and committed to learning.

Every challenge you face is a chance to grow. The discomfort of stepping into the unknown prepares you for the opportunities ahead – get used to it! Stop seeing challenges as obstacles—instead, view them as the building blocks of your success. When your ship comes in, you’ll realize that those challenges were the foundation of your readiness.

What You Build Today Affects Tomorrow’s Opportunities

The ship you’ve been waiting for may already be on its way, but it won’t linger. The port you build today will determine whether you’re ready to seize tomorrow’s opportunities. Invest in your skills, surround yourself with greatness, and face challenges head-on. Build your port with intention and purpose, and when your ship comes in, you won’t just be ready—you’ll be unstoppable.

About the Author

I’m Gina L. Osborn, retired FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge, former Chief of Safety for LA Metro, a female motivational speaker, and a recognized expert in security, crisis management, and leadership. From a young age, I dreamed of chasing spies, which led me to join the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Program and later investigate espionage cases in Europe as the Cold War ended. In 1996, I became the only FBI agent in Little Saigon, building alliances to combat organized crime. After 9/11, I led counterterrorism efforts in Los Angeles and eventually tackled cybercrime cases like the Sony hack.

Through my experiences, I discovered a powerful approach to creating extraordinary impact. Success requires what I call ‘Maverick Moves’—bold, rule-bending actions fueled by ‘absurd’ ingenuity. This mindset allows us to shatter barriers, drive transformation, and accomplish what others consider out of reach. Embracing the absurd isn’t just a strategy; it’s a game-changing way to achieve the remarkable.Follow along as I share lessons on making bold, Maverick Moves that shatter barriers, drive transformation, and achieve extraordinary success. Discover how embracing the absurd can empower you to lead with ingenuity, inspire change, and rise above challenges. To learn more, visit

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